


Screwing around with Sliderland

Finished for now - Things I made in blinrys awesome Sliderland playground.


SQL Cheatsheet

Some useful reminders for the occasional SQL user.

Desktop Ricing

xdg-mime: Mapping Files to Applications taken apart

How the machinery mapping files to applications works on your free desktop

"It just opens files" - xdg-open under the hood

How the logic behind the freedesktop file opener works


Some knowledge that makes your life easier when working with fonts on Linux.

Slatectx: Adding some context to the desktop

Most workflows today are app-centric, this is my attempt at trying something different

Building a crappy cheap LightDM 1/?

First POC of a simple session switcher for building a feature-rich lockscreen

Integrating swaylock-mobile with Sxmo 2/?

First attempt to itegrate my screenlcker with sxmo (quirky and barebones, but as success)

Integrating swaylock-mobile with Sxmo 1/?

Finding out how sxmo curerently handles screenlocking and suspending (pre sxmo 1.9.0)

Electronics and Microcontroller

Fixing PWM flicker on the Arduino UNO R3

Hooked up an RGB LED to an Arduino and it started to flicker when combining colours? This is how I found the solution.

ATmega328P and the Arduino UNO R3

Pinout of the ATmega328P and how it maps to the Arduino UNO R3.


Some arduino-cli common patterns and tricks

Resistor Value Table

For when those Rings don't make sense again.

Linux Administration

Group based Permissions using polkit

Access things like NetworkManager based on UNIX groups.

Environment Variable Zoo

Environment Variables for Linux you might want to know about.

Mobile Linux

Integrating swaylock-mobile with Sxmo 2/?

First attempt to itegrate my screenlcker with sxmo (quirky and barebones, but as success)

Integrating swaylock-mobile with Sxmo 1/?

Finding out how sxmo curerently handles screenlocking and suspending (pre sxmo 1.9.0)

Swaylock Mobile

Abandonned proof of concept - Sxmo with sway is great but unfortunately it lacks a proper lockscreen, This is my attempt to fix that situation by adding a keypad and some mobile related cosmetic features to swaylock.


What is NAT and why you don't want it

What is Network Address Translation, how does it work and why you don't want it.

IP-Address Ranges

Overview of reserved IP-Address ranges for IPv4 and IPv6

Tutorial: Smart ssh jumping

SSH jump hosts are great! However, having to think about the current network is a task better done by the CPU

Security Tokens

Getting your Smartcards and Security Tokens working on Linux

You just bought a popular Security Token to find it not working out of the box on Linux?


Portable Shell-Scripting

Knowledge for writing portable shell scripts that work across operating system distributions.

Improving an fzf example with null bytes

or: Why good shell scripts are sometimes bad for explaining

Environment Variable Zoo

Environment Variables for Linux you might want to know about.

ANSI Escape Sequences

The things that make your Terminal colourful

Shell Null Termination / Separation

What is null termination, why and how to use it in shell pipelines.

Scanning, OCR and PDF

A cheatsheet for scanning and and OCRing documents on Linux with sane and tesseract


Some arduino-cli common patterns and tricks

Shell Snippets

Some shellcode I catch myself writing over and over again.


Git Cheatsheet(s)

Some of my git knowledge and where it came from.

xdg-mime: Mapping Files to Applications taken apart

How the machinery mapping files to applications works on your free desktop

"It just opens files" - xdg-open under the hood

How the logic behind the freedesktop file opener works

Scanning, OCR and PDF

A cheatsheet for scanning and and OCRing documents on Linux with sane and tesseract

Live and in color! - A web-service for looking up IPs and domain names


Some arduino-cli common patterns and tricks


Useable - A fuzzyfinder script that can search for manpages and RFCs


Pretty Atom-Feed Previews with XSLT

Adding some XSLT to my Atom-Feeds to make them behave like Webpages in Browsers

Building an animated <details> element

Trying to build an accessible accordion element for reasons

Live and in color! - A web-service for looking up IPs and domain names