Slatians hideout on the Web

A few bytes about me …

Slatian says

Greetings, I'm Slatian (sleɪtiːan) a fluffy dragon who creates Software, makes it run and breaks it (not neccessarly in that order).

My interests include taking code apart and putting it back together, customizing my desktop and terminal envoirnment, the sematic web and organizing information (apparantly called Ontology). Sometimes a bit of philosophy.

/me likes opinioated software and uses Linux distributions like Void, Artix and Alpine. My favorite text editor is kakoune.

You can talk to me in English or German.

Me elsewhere on the internet:

Fediverse (fedi backup)
baschdel ädd disroot döt org

Explore the Slatecave!

Besides visiting my Creations, Blog and Notebook pages …

Recently updated Pages

Tutorial: Smart ssh jumping

SSH jump hosts are great! However, having to think about the current network is a task better done by the CPU

Thunderbird: Use S/MIME Certificates from LDAP

How to get loading public certificates from an LDAP Server to work on Thunderbird.

Today I learned: OpenLDAP

Things I wish I knew before starting with OpenLDAP.


A collection of link collections I consider worth sharing

Interesting Resources for building Search Engines

A collection of links to articles and documentation.

Understanding Lua Expressions - Live Posts

Posts I made while trying to understand how lua expressions work.

xdg-settings: Setting a default browser isn't that simple

A dive into how the xdg-settings script works

More entries in the Atom Feed