Slatians Blog
xdg-settings: Setting a default browser isn't that simple
Why not use && as a shortcut in shell scripting
Ever seen some shell code that seems double negated, here is why.
Fixing PWM flicker on the Arduino UNO R3
Hooked up an RGB LED to an Arduino and it started to flicker when combining colours? This is how I found the solution.
Group based Permissions using polkit
Access things like NetworkManager based on UNIX groups.
Pretty Atom-Feed Previews with XSLT
Adding some XSLT to my Atom-Feeds to make them behave like Webpages in Browsers
xdg-mime: Mapping Files to Applications taken apart
How the machinery mapping files to applications works on your free desktop
"It just opens files" - xdg-open under the hood
How the logic behind the freedesktop file opener works
Improving an fzf example with null bytes
or: Why good shell scripts are sometimes bad for explaining
Slatectx: Adding some context to the desktop
Most workflows today are app-centric, this is my attempt at trying something different
What is NAT and why you don't want it
What is Network Address Translation, how does it work and why you don't want it.
Building an animated <details> element
Trying to build an accessible accordion element for reasons
Having a look at greetd
A writeup of the internals of the greetd login manager
Building a crappy cheap LightDM 1/?
First POC of a simple session switcher for building a feature-rich lockscreen
Tutorial: Smart ssh jumping
SSH jump hosts are great! However, having to think about the current network is a task better done by the CPU
Integrating swaylock-mobile with Sxmo 2/?
First attempt to itegrate my screenlcker with sxmo (quirky and barebones, but as success)
Integrating swaylock-mobile with Sxmo 1/?
Finding out how sxmo curerently handles screenlocking and suspending (pre sxmo 1.9.0)