Topics / Desktop Ricing
"It just opens files" - xdg-open under the hood
How the logic behind the freedesktop file opener works
Building a crappy cheap LightDM 1/?
First POC of a simple session switcher for building a feature-rich lockscreen
Some knowledge that makes your life easier when working with fonts on Linux.
Integrating swaylock-mobile with Sxmo 1/?
Finding out how sxmo curerently handles screenlocking and suspending (pre sxmo 1.9.0)
Integrating swaylock-mobile with Sxmo 2/?
First attempt to itegrate my screenlcker with sxmo (quirky and barebones, but as success)
Slatectx: Adding some context to the desktop
Most workflows today are app-centric, this is my attempt at trying something different
xdg-mime: Mapping Files to Applications taken apart
How the machinery mapping files to applications works on your free desktop