Slatians Notebook / Cheatsheets
ANSI Escape Sequences
The things that make your Terminal colourful
A simple, plain ASCII-Table
ATmega328P and the Arduino UNO R3
Pinout of the ATmega328P and how it maps to the Arduino UNO R3.
Environment Variable Zoo
Environment Variables for Linux you might want to know about.
Some knowledge that makes your life easier when working with fonts on Linux.
Git Cheatsheet(s)
Some of my git knowledge and where it came from.
IP-Address Ranges
Overview of reserved IP-Address ranges for IPv4 and IPv6
Portable Shell-Scripting
Knowledge for writing portable shell scripts that work across operating system distributions.
Resistor Value Table
For when those Rings don't make sense again.
SQL Cheatsheet
Some useful reminders for the occasional SQL user.
Scanning, OCR and PDF
A cheatsheet for scanning and and OCRing documents on Linux with sane and tesseract
Shell Null Termination / Separation
What is null termination, why and how to use it in shell pipelines.
Shell Snippets
Some shellcode I catch myself writing over and over again.
Templating Zoo
Stuck with some undocumented templating?
Query elements from XML Documents, on the CLI, in the Browser, everywhere else
Some arduino-cli common patterns and tricks